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Yoga for Headaches and Migraines

Beginner I
(48 Reviews)

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Fiji leads you through a short, gentle, and meditative practice, visiting key poses to relieve tension that can lead to headaches or migraines. Let yourself be soothed by the gentle movements, breath, and peaceful setting. This calming practice is suitable for all levels.


  • Block


  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Sleep/Relaxation
  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Gentle Yoga
August 15, 2018

Perfect start to a usually stressful first day of school. My 27th year working in a high school is going to be the best because of this start to my day. Thanks

Melanie Lichtinger
August 14, 2018

Perfect class for a fuzzy head due to wildfire smoke in the air.
So beautiful to see Fiji in the fresh green forest meadow, and practice calming gentle moves with her.
Thankyou Fiji and DYWM for the whole spectrum of classes and themes!

August 8, 2018

I woke with a terrible headache and this lovely class has definitely taken the edge off. Thank you, Fiji! Agree with a previous comment re Fiji always bringing in new classes to help us feel better and live better. And one of my favorite things about DYWM is that most classes are shot outdoors. Love, especially during cold winter months -- I can imagine I'm doing yoga on a warm beach :) Many thanks.

August 7, 2018

When looking for a yoga routine to relieve a migraine, it's important to me that I really trust the instructor. Fiji has my trust! I feel confident when following her instructions that she knows what she is doing, all the while giving those instructions in such a calm and gentle voice. The setting for the practice was absolutely gorgeous. Thank you! I will definitely return to this video .

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