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Yoga for Absolute Beginners: Sukhasana and Dandasana

Beginner I
(191 Reviews)

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In this class, David shows you how to comfortably sit on the floor in two of yoga's more common seated positions, easy cross-legged (sukhasana) and staff pose (dandasana). He also helps you understand some of the basic yoga principles as you learn how to stretch your body effectively. This class is a part of a 'Yoga for Beginners' series. If you're a beginner who would like to learn more about yoga, check out our Yoga for Beginners page.

Looking for more of a challenge? Check out the 14-Day Intermediate Challenge here.


  • Blankets
  • Block
  • Bolster


  • Flexibility
  • Hips
  • Spine


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
April 7, 2019

Hello my name is Dee and I wish to say thank you to all those who make this website possible. It is a wonderful resource to help people help themselves.

I am 41 and have been on a disability pension half my life for mental illness and recently diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (hooray not fun) and have found out the cause of my back pain finally....Anterior pelvic tilt I was born with.

Anyhow not having that much money to spend on Yoga classes or being able to step out of the house sometimes with extreme anxiety/depression I am soo grateful that I searched and found Do yoga with me I believe with a self commitment I can start to heal myself one class at a time mind, body and spirit. x Dee

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
April 8, 2019

Thank you so much! I'm really happy to hear that you're doing well with our classes. You're right, one class at a time with mind, body and spirit!

March 23, 2019

I'm doing yoga for a few years now and yet I learned so much from this class. So much I didn't know... And we moved through these 'basic' poses so mindfully.. The stretched seemed more profound than I can remember.. A lovely class. Thank you David for sharing this.

February 4, 2019

I am a nurse and developing a health and fitness routine for myself and decided to include yoga. This is my first time ever experiencing it and I can already see the benefits that yoga can provide. I'm 45 years old and have been feeling muscle and tendon tightness and knew I needed to establish some sort of stretching routine. This first class made me realize I'm more stiff than I thought I was. But I know that all that will a be a thing of the past with yoga. Great class.

February 3, 2019

I have no known health problems other than being very out of shape and inflexible, though I do have severe anxiety. Everything done in this video except for the laying down at the end was very uncomfortable or even painful for me. My Feet even started falling asleep from the pressure of my legs resting on them. Is this normal because I'm so out of shape and inflexible or might I have been doing it wrong? Could I be very tense and that's making it painful? Thank you.

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