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Yin Yoga for the Lower Back

Intermediate I
(272 Reviews)
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If you have lower back tightness or pain, sometimes a gentle class where you hold the poses for longer periods of time can be the most effective way to find relief. Sarah-Jane's choice of poses will help you do that in this 30-minute yin yoga class. She helps you release many of the muscles that are commonly involved in lower back issues, and she helps you through it with specific guidance and knowledge of anatomy. Note: to learn how to make your own bolster at home, click here.


  • Blankets


  • Hips
  • Twists
  • Spine
  • Legs and Feet
  • Lower Back


  • Yin and Yin/Yang Yoga
January 27, 2025

This was a nice short release class that helped me get into some niggly, hard to reach places in my hips and lower back. The mic is picking up quite a bit of digestion song from the teacher which was at times a bit distracting when holding poses. A shame there was an interruption before the savasana ended as it seemed like we were rushed out of the practice.

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