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Strengthen Your Balance

Intermediate III
(92 Reviews)
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If you would like to improve your ability to balance on one foot, you will love this class. Tracey leads you effortlessly through a challenging vinyasa flow that takes you in and out of foot balances in creative ways, making you do what you didn't believe you could before you chose to do this class. Note: the savasana in this class is 9 minutes long, which is quite a bit longer than usual for our site.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Strength
  • Balance
  • Legs and Feet


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
January 10, 2023

Can I count this as one of my Tracey-favs if pretty much every Tracey practice is a favourite? LOL.

This is such a great flow for balance, stability and grounding. I've done this practice quite a few times, yet I'm always surprised that it's even more enjoyable than the previous time (if that's even possible!)

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