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Strengthen Your Balance

Intermediate III
(91 Reviews)

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If you would like to improve your ability to balance on one foot, you will love this class. Tracey leads you effortlessly through a challenging vinyasa flow that takes you in and out of foot balances in creative ways, making you do what you didn't believe you could before you chose to do this class. Note: the savasana in this class is 9 minutes long, which is quite a bit longer than usual for our site.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Strength
  • Balance
  • Legs and Feet


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
January 23, 2021

I absolutely loved this class. I will have to work on some of those transitions as I was a wee bit clunky !
Good, clear instructions, and such a good sequence, very satisfying. My favourite Tracey class thus far. Thanks !

November 5, 2020

I love this class and I would just really recommend it to people that are trying to work on their posture. Tracey doesn't just "teach" balancing - she also guides us through the process of how we stand, or at least how we should stand. Before I started doing yoga regularly, I had (still sometimes do have) a bad habit of leaning into the insides of my feet, bypassing the exact parts (ball of foot, heel and outside of feet) which should be doing the standing :) This class makes you aware of just that!

August 16, 2020

I really love this practice. Tracey gives you time to feel your way into the standing balances, and to note the differences in the body between sides. The long and luxurious savasana feels wonderful as well.

June 4, 2020

My first practice through DoYogaWithMe. What a lovely introduction to your site. Thank you Tracey. I feel taller, stronger and more centred. Ready to face this day during Covid in Sydney.

Comment Replies


Welcome!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the practice and that you feel taller, stronger and more centred. It certainly helps us stay grounded during these Covid times.

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