Snail Pose: Deepening
In the second class in Satiya's two-part series on snail pose, she takes you through a slow flow that gradually deepens, preparing your body carefully and gently to move into the deep backbend that is called snail pose (karnapidasana) in yin yoga. You may just access some deep tension you haven't felt in a while. If you haven't done so already, we recommend that you start with the first class in the series, Snail Pose: Opening, before moving into this one. The first class is especially helpful if snail pose is new for you.
Wonderful! Thank you.
Lovely practice. Like the long holds.
Wow, that certainly loosened everything up :-) I couldn't manage the full pose at the end but surprised myself with the rest of the class considering myself as a long term beginner.
Thank you Satiya.
very nice after a long day on the tools