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The Inner Dancer

Intermediate II
(171 Reviews)
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Tracey is a masterful vinyasa instructor and this power yoga class highlights her best qualities. Her creative sequencing ensures that you are guided into the peak pose in a fun and safe way. Her smiles, winks and fun attitude help carry you through. Even with just 30 minutes to work with, Tracey can make you feel like a new person!


  • None


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Balance
  • Legs and Feet


  • Vigorous Yoga


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga

I've been struggling with knee pain related to arthritis and a bike injury. My doctor recommended strengthening and stretching, particularly of the quadricep muscles. I practice with a padded brace on my knee (which helps with some of the floor sequences), and have been amazed at how much better my knees feel after doing this practice for three days in a row. Thank you so much, Tracey!

January 28, 2024

First time with this almost 9 year old class. Thank you so much, Tracey, for all you've contributed to this site. Your classes are well-cued and well-rounded. I keep coming back to them.

January 9, 2023

I love all of Tracey's classes! Her clear directions enrich the practice so much! I can follow without having to twist around to see the screen. I can no longer do many of the poses to the extent that I used to, but can always adapt, and Tracey's verbal cues always, always leave me feeling fulfilled rather than lacking! Thank you, Tracey, for great teaching.

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