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Hip-notic: Preparation for Yoga Nidrasana

(40 Reviews)

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Michelle takes you through a 75-minute class that moves gradually and intelligently into deeper and deeper poses, eventually completing the class with yoga nidrasana, or yogic sleeping pose. She has an incredible attention to detail and awareness of body alignment so each pose is done safely and effectively.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Twists
  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Lower Back


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
June 17, 2016

What a fantastic class - a complete change of pace from the fast flows I normally do, but it's far from easy - the long holds are challenging, but the perfectly clear instructions helped me move deeper into poses than I ever have before. My hips and legs feel wonderfully stretched. Many thanks!

April 24, 2016

Great class, great progression and explanations, the pace was perfect to really connect to oneself. Thank you!

April 3, 2016

Holy hips! Thanks for this pattern.
I felt great during and immediately after.
Just now, one day after, my hips are open like revolving doors!
haha thank you

August 10, 2015

Was able to get into a few poses I had not been able to do yet, thanks so much for explaining how to get into them so adequately!

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