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Hip-notic: Preparation for Yoga Nidrasana

(40 Reviews)

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Michelle takes you through a 75-minute class that moves gradually and intelligently into deeper and deeper poses, eventually completing the class with yoga nidrasana, or yogic sleeping pose. She has an incredible attention to detail and awareness of body alignment so each pose is done safely and effectively.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Twists
  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Lower Back


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
July 23, 2015

This class is exceptional. It is well-paced, impeccably guided and sequenced intelligently to allow for yoga nidrasana as the peak posture. Very nice!

April 4, 2015

This was a perfect class for a hot (30+ celcius) day's evening: no vinyasa and long holds was just right for opening the body and focusing the mind without creating too much heat. Thank you.

August 12, 2014

Thank you so much. This class gave me the best deep hip opening I have experienced in years, I have been searching for something exactly this style, and the long poses feel great and seem as though there is enough time to make actual progress. Thank you for tirelessly detailing proper pose techniques and giving advice on how to deepen and advance the postures. I have been taking yoga classes once or twice a week for a few years now, but never any advanced classes and I feel like I have not been challenged much at all.

I wasn't able to get my legs behind my head this time, but I came astonishingly close, much closer than I thought I'd be able to do! I am extremely excited to see what regular practice will do for my flexibility.

Infinite many thanks to you for creating this video, I am deeply grateful! I sobbed openly during savasana, it was such a deep release (glad I was in my living room). I did it right before bed and had an extremely comfortable deep sleep, when normally my legs and hips and lower back feel very tight and sometimes restless.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!


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