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Hip-notic: Preparation for Yoga Nidrasana

(40 Reviews)

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Michelle takes you through a 75-minute class that moves gradually and intelligently into deeper and deeper poses, eventually completing the class with yoga nidrasana, or yogic sleeping pose. She has an incredible attention to detail and awareness of body alignment so each pose is done safely and effectively.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Twists
  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Lower Back


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
July 8, 2018

Hello hips. If they need some love- do this class. Lots of talking, but much of her instruction felt helpful. I’m not sure how this classs popped up at the top of my home screen, but I am so glad it did. This peak pose feels like it might take me one million millimeter miracles to obtain, but nevertheless she persisted.

June 30, 2018

I LOVED this focused class. There is a wealth of alignment tips (so essential when you practice on your own) and deep openings. It's definitely advanced. Listening to multiple alignment cues when you are less than advanced can be frustrating and distracting; I found it extremely helpful. This is a great "day off" practice and focuses on specific areas. I was able to do everything, including Yogi Nidra on the right side, but my left side said "NO!" I am going to bookmark this page and come back to measure my progress in the future. I would really love to see more lengthy, focused classes like this one. Namaste from Ireland.

July 4, 2017

This class is a challenge as I have very tight hips, but I feel incredible relief with the poses and gain deeper stretches due to the on-point anatomic instruction/cues. I love the total focus on the hips and holding the poses longer. Wonderful class!

June 2, 2017

Beyond the constant chatter, which may or may not have caused me to yell at the video when we got to corpse pose, I really, really enjoyed this sequence of poses. It left my body feeling very open and ready for a good sleep. Thank you Michelle and team.

Comment Replies

September 8, 2017

I am seconding this comment about the chatter. I would have like more silence. The series was very nice, but difficult to really get into and let my mind clear.

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