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Challenging Backbends for Beginners

Intermediate I
(57 Reviews)

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This class is all about exploring backbends, from the gentle in sphinx pose (salamba bhujangasana) and cobra (bhujangasana), to the more challenging in upward facing dog (urdhvamukha shvanasana) and camel pose (ustrasana). Anastasia's care and attention help you move into the more challenging poses with stability and awareness, while balancing them with the best counter poses to keep you back feeling strong, healthy and relaxed.


  • Block


  • Hips
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Balance
  • Legs and Feet
  • Lower Back


  • Hatha Yoga
November 20, 2017

I always shy away from backbends. I will continue to revisit this class until they are easy for me. Thanks again.

November 18, 2017

Step by step, your teaching got me there - I loved learning this! Your gentle humor was terrific - and the shorebird peeking over your shoulder during your intro was a good omen! Many thanks!

November 14, 2017

Thank you Anastasia. That felt wonderful. I like your method of giving direction.

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Anastasia Hangemanole
November 15, 2017

I am glad - it is definitely one of the challenges of teaching yoga is to know how much or how little to talk :)

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October 14, 2019

Don't worry, Anastasia, you do it perfectly in all your classes: giving the right amount of information in your sweet and calm way. Namaste!

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