Chakra Four Flow

Chakra four is the anahata chakra or the heart chakra. Fiji's' exploration includes many heart-openers, backbends, as well as a journey into what it means to open the heart chakra in your life, to love fully and unconditionally. The color associated with the heart chakra is green and the element is air.
Very interesting class. The descriptor lists it as a vinyasa/power class but I’d say it’s closer to a hatha class, with emphasis on holding poses longer durations. As per the class description, a lot of heart orientation and heart chakra talk, so if you like chakra maps, this should really be up your alley.
Good session..
A beginner level class. Not really a flow. Personally didn't get much heart opening out of it
Loved the class itself, but could have used a little less love chat, felt it got a little OTT.