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Building Up To Dragonfly Pose

(103 Reviews)

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Dragonfly pose, or Maksikanagasana, is an intricate arm balance that requires a arm, core and leg strength, as well as spinal, hip and leg flexibility. Teacher trainer Rachel Scott designed this class to help you get into this difficult pose by putting together an intelligent sequence, full of creative transitions that build to the peak pose, dragonfly.


  • Block


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Twists
  • Strength
  • Core Strength
  • Balance
  • Legs and Feet


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
June 29, 2024

I pulled it off on both sides! You make the weirdest things possible ,Rachel.

February 1, 2023

Love this class, the pace, the thoughtful sequence, the relaxing music. Each time I practice it becomes easier.

October 9, 2021

Great releases for the outer hips in this fun practice. I love it!

Gala Pérez Gutiérrez
November 28, 2020

Thank you very much Rachel for this wonderful class, I truly love your classes, you have to do it, your explanations are clear and even though they are advanced classes I can feel a sense of peac in every mouvement. I hope you can do more advanced classes like this. Thank ou very much for such good energy.

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