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Ashtanga Yoga Therapeutic Sequence

Beginner II
(126 Reviews)

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This ashtanga yoga class with Jeff is a slower flow with more attention to poses that are therapeutic and nourishing. It's a great class if you are new to ashtanga yoga or you are looking for a more gentle vinyasa yoga class.


  • None


  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Morning


  • Ashtanga Yoga
June 28, 2024

Very grateful to you! I so deeply needed this class. I felt so related to by your broad understanding of the changes we can all experience in our bodies and in life. My practice was solid for over a decade, but the past 6 months have been a very challenging time. This is the first class I've completed in a long time and I finally feel motivated again :)

May 15, 2024

I appreciate this class so much! Ashtanga, I feel, has a reputation for being a very strong and strict practice. But this class make it so accessible and give us practitoners the permission to just be where we are in our practice, instead of feeling inadequate or lacking in our physicality. Thank you Jeff!

May 5, 2024

I used to do regular Ashtanga Yoga but the past 10 years have been hard on my body, with lots of manual work, injuries and no time to look after myself. This class feels like a great way to help heal the most recent injuries and get back into yoga & looking after myself. I'd have appreciated a few more seconds to breath in some of the later postures to maintain the slow regular breathing. I think I'll be returning to this class regularly as I recover.

March 21, 2024

I commented once already, but I wanted to add: THANK YOU. I came back here all stiff and sore from soldiering through three weeks of grief and stress, feeling I needed more than a restorative class but I was at risk of merely soldiering on if I attempted a regular hatha yoga session. I remembered the quiet healing feeling from the first time I did this one, thought I would give it a try – and it was *just what I needed*. This is a class that takes your body just where it's at, doesn't aim for miracles, just makes everything *more feasible* – in my case, six full hours of intense singing, which looked like an ordeal from the state I was in. I love that it is all about quietly, adaptively *doing*, with no instruction about what goes on in your mind; when you happen to have, in the most literal sense, an awful lot going on there, that is a blessing.

Comment Replies

March 21, 2024

(*adaptatively*… Which might not exist anyway? Non-native English speaker…)

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