Absolute Beginner Series: Meditation for Body Connection

This class offers you the chance to simply be still. Take a few minutes to get grounded and connected to your big beautiful bod. This class can be done as a stand-alone session, or you can follow it with Absolute Beginner Series: From Sitting to Standing.
I wanna learn yoga
I've done random yoga videos here and there, and even the introduction sequence on this main site. However, I haven't ever started from the ground up in terms of learning about my body and my practice. This class had tears coming down my cheeks. Helen's instructions, and getting grounded with my breath, felt like an invitation to further myself on a journey of being who I really want to be. A voice inside me tried to criticize me for letting a simple yoga video move me like that, but I thanked it for its true message (keeping me protected) and asked it to go away. I'm so jazzed to keep going with my day now. Thank you!
I'm 82 (today actually) and out of shape, lots of health issues, and use the wheelchair most of the time. 30 years ago, (thin and healthy) I practiced some yoga and loved it. Never thought I would "find" a teacher who could help me begin again. Thank you. PS. checked out your blog, etc - love your humor! :)
You are truly healing, your voice and presence are so soothing. I'm so glad DYWM found you!
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I'm glad they found me too! Thank you so much for this, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the series. :)