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Absolute Beginner Series: Meditation for Body Connection

Beginner I
(23 Reviews)
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This class offers you the chance to simply be still. Take a few minutes to get grounded and connected to your big beautiful bod. This class can be done as a stand-alone session, or you can follow it with Absolute Beginner Series: From Sitting to Standing.


  • Bolster


  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Sleep/Relaxation


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Guided Meditation
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Plus Size Yoga
April 26, 2019

I've done random yoga videos here and there, and even the introduction sequence on this main site. However, I haven't ever started from the ground up in terms of learning about my body and my practice. This class had tears coming down my cheeks. Helen's instructions, and getting grounded with my breath, felt like an invitation to further myself on a journey of being who I really want to be. A voice inside me tried to criticize me for letting a simple yoga video move me like that, but I thanked it for its true message (keeping me protected) and asked it to go away. I'm so jazzed to keep going with my day now. Thank you!

Comment Replies

Helen Camisa
April 27, 2019

I always have tears streaming down my face (so much so that when my friends cry, they lovingly call it "pulling a Helen"!) so you are in good company. For many years, I prided myself on not showing emotions because I thought it was weak to have all those deep feelings about sometimes what seemed like tiny things. But I have discovered that it takes a lot of strength and courage to be soft. It's a hard world and sometimes we are the hardest on ourselves, so being soft and kind is absolute magic and we need more of it. Keep acknowledging and then sending away those negative voices (I often tell my students to think about that Ariana Grande song "Thank u next" when crappy voice chimes in) and allow yourself to let in all the good things. Thank you so much for taking the time to sit and do this meditation, and then for commenting too. It means so much to me to know that this work is making a difference. I'm excited for you to step in to who you truly want to be! xo

April 14, 2019

I'm 82 (today actually) and out of shape, lots of health issues, and use the wheelchair most of the time. 30 years ago, (thin and healthy) I practiced some yoga and loved it. Never thought I would "find" a teacher who could help me begin again. Thank you. PS. checked out your blog, etc - love your humor! :)

Comment Replies

Helen Camisa
April 27, 2019

Oh, my heart! This comment has made me so incredibly happy and inspired. I'm so happy that you found this class. Belated Happy Birthday!! (it was my birthday last weekend too!) and I wish you so much joy moving forward. Do this meditation as often as you want to and I promise that good things will come. I was in a class earlier this week and the teacher read a quote that said "you are in bloom your whole life, did you know that?", and it just made me think about all the possibilities. Thank you for taking the time to comment and making my absolute day! Keep blooming! <3

Comment Replies

Anne Matt
October 12, 2021

thank you, NellieBleu for your comment, and, Helen, for your reply. It's a ripple effect. You both touched my heart while reading it 2 years later in 2021.

March 3, 2019

You are truly healing, your voice and presence are so soothing. I'm so glad DYWM found you!

Comment Replies

Helen Camisa
March 18, 2019

I'm glad they found me too! Thank you so much for this, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the series. :)

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