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The Ultimate Shoulder Sequence

Beginner II
(201 Reviews)

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This slow, meditative Hatha yoga class is a thorough stretching of the shoulders and neck. You will be reminded throughout to return to an awareness of your body sensations as you flow through the poses. A 10-minute total body relaxation completes the class.


  • Strap


  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Relaxing Yoga


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
wheres booboo
August 6, 2013

Hi I have a bad shoulder. Possibly rotatory cuff injury but for sure I have some arthritis in the ac joint. I feel it in the joint when doing the exercizes but they don't have a lasting effect good or bad. Do you have any thaughts on the effects of Yoga on injured or bad shoulders, or joints in general?

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
August 6, 2013

Hi there.

Thanks for the question.

The shoulder is a extremely complicated joint, and because of this even trained professionals have difficulty diagnosing the cause of joint pain or lack of mobility. What I would recommend it experimenting carefully with what you are able to do, and avoid what causes pain or inflammation the next day.

It is, of course, best to get advice from someone in person, such as a physiotherapist or massage therapist.

Take care,

DoYogaWithMe.com Founder

August 5, 2013

According to its purpose - to work around the shoulders area, which also includes neck, arms, chest,... - this class is Pure Perfection!
Thank you so much, David.
Peace and Love :-).

July 17, 2013

I was really looking forward to this video because my back and shoulders need MUCH attention. However, half way thru the class I had to shut it off. Sitting back on my feet like that is not comfortable at all. I tried adjusting and sat in a cross legged position but that didn't exactly work either. How can all of you sit on your heels like that?! Am I doing something wrong?

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
July 18, 2013

Hi there.

That's a great question. You're not alone - many people find it uncomfortable to sit on their heels, due to tight ankles or knees. There is a way to adapt the pose so that it is comfortable though. Try this:

1) Roll up two small towels so they form cigar shapes a few inches thick.
2) Get a few firm pillows or blankets.
3) This time when you sit back on your heels, place the rolled up towels under your ankles, and stack as many pillows and/or blankets on the floor, under your seat, as you need.

The higher you are sitting, the easier on your body. The more cushion under your ankles, the easier it will be on your feet.

Let me know if that helps.

DoYogaWithMe.com Founder

July 8, 2013

What a wonderful series. I appreciate your gently authoritative voice. So calming. Thank you, David!

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