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Yoga for Absolute Beginners: Sun Salutations

Beginner I
(103 Reviews)
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Now that you know how to sit comfortably, David takes you through one of the most common movements in yoga, called a sun salutation. He shows you ways to adapt the sequence to your needs so you can join any class, anywhere, whether it's another class on this site or in a local yoga studio. This class is a part of a 'Yoga for Beginners' series. Moksana Yoga Studio donated their space for the filming of this class.

Looking for more of a challenge? Check out the 14-Day Intermediate Challenge here.


  • Blankets


  • Flexibility
  • Morning
  • Spine


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
Steven Staley
December 12, 2024

Always great training. I really like the closed captions function.
I kept wondering what the "number 7" thing was all about. Finally, I heard it toward the end of the video. (Form a number seven.)
Thanks for all you do!

June 18, 2023

I am just returning to yoga after the pandemic and being diagnosed with a pinched nerve in my neck. Thank you for your precise directions throughout the sun salutation. I hope to imprint it in my body just like the other student who commented.

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