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Yin Yoga for Cyclists II

Beginner II
(25 Reviews)
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Stretch out and release your spine, hips and hamstrings in this all-levels, yin yoga practice that is perfect for cyclists, but fantastic for anyone, particularly athletes, desk workers and anyone with tightness or discomfort in their back, hips and legs.


  • Bolster


  • Hips
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Lower Back


  • Yin and Yin/Yang Yoga
October 5, 2023

Well, here I am a year later - this was so nice for the back and legs after kayaking.

August 30, 2022

Some good yin stretches but I like the Intermediate Cyclist sequence better - which also contains modifications that work for my partner. We both need that modified lunge, challenging though it is!

November 23, 2021

I didn't stretch after my run this morning so did this and Cyclists 1 in the evening and now my body is totally soup now -a delicious, velvety puddle of soup. Rachel you are MAGIC. My first yin classes, and I am hooked.

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