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Kundalini Yoga for the Pituitary and Heart

Intermediate I
(48 Reviews)

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Kundalini yoga is a great way to move prana or chi, to clear the chakras and calm the mind. Dawn delivers this class beautifully, guiding you gently through a kundalini yoga class that helps strengthen the pituitary gland and the heart.


  • None


  • Spine
  • Backbends


  • Guided Meditation
  • Kundalini Yoga
August 9, 2022

Thank you for your peaceful presence and for sharing
Kundalini with us. Could you fit in a few more kriyas?
Thank you! Sat Nam.

Comment Replies

Dawn Rabey
August 31, 2022

Thank you Faith! I am hoping to have a few more classes/kriyas filmed this fall! ~Dawn

May 24, 2021

Hi Dawn. I love your classes-- Specifically your chants. Where did you learn this chant from? I would love to read the Sanskrit and learn it so I can meditate and chant this beautiful mantra in my head for protection. I've learned some mantras and I would like to expand further. You just happen to ignite that flame of wanting to learn more chants within my growing soul. Thank you so much. Namaste.

Comment Replies

Fiji McAlpine
May 26, 2021

This is a traditional Kundalini chant and meditation for the heart. Sat Kar Tar can be translated from sanskrit as the Doer of Truth, and when chanted increases the flow of the energy in the heart.

August 3, 2020

What is the best way to split this class up to do the heart and pituitary seperately? Thank you.

Comment Replies

Dawn Rabey
August 4, 2020

Hello Estherggg,
To split up the class to do the heart and pituitary gland separately, I would suggest the following:
For the Pituitary Gland - a) tune in with the two mantras, b) optionally do the warm-up, c) do the Kriya for the Pituitary Gland, d) end with Savasana and Sat Nam
For the Heart - a) tune in with the two mantras, b) do the 3 min breath meditation for a the Heart, c) optionally do the warm-up, d) do the mantra meditation for the Heart, e) optionally do savasana, f) end with Sat Nam
I hope that helps, and feel free to follow what intuitively feels right as well! ~Dawn

Comment Replies

August 5, 2020

Thank you so much for your prompt response to my question! I was wondering whether there was a point in the class where the 2 Kriyas were split up and you shifted from Pituitary to Heart. You are right though to suggest that I could do what intuitively feels right.

I appreciate your classes more than I can express.


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