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Jivamukti Compass

Intermediate III
(41 Reviews)

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Join Jonni-Lyn in this steady and strong flow as she guides you through a few hip openers; camel pose (ustrasana), reclined hero pose (supta virasana) and headstand. Once your hips are happy and open, you will spend a bit of time exploring compass pose (parivrtta surya yantrasana).


  • None


  • Hips
  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Whole Body
  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Balance
  • Backbends
  • Inversions


  • Jivamukti
April 6, 2021

I really enjoyed that! The hip openers at the beginning were great, and the whole think felt smooth and almost effortless even though she worked us quite hard. I enjoyed the muscle relaxations at the end too, thank you !

April 6, 2021

The sequence is good but the instructor's breaths are way too fast (much faster than in other videos). Is Jivamukti supposed to be that way? She also seems constantly out of breath while explaining, which I find stressful (suffocating feeling). I miss the calmness we get with other instructors. It might improve over time. I enjoyed the chanting.

Comment Replies

Fiji McAlpine
April 6, 2021

Jivamukti is a very dynamic style of yoga which may be what you are observing. It can be challenging as a teacher to cue as much is as needed when also demontrating the sequence. Getting used to a new teacher, the way they cue and sound is also something that takes time, as you said.


April 18, 2021

I agree about the speed of the breathing. I've taken Jonni-Lyn Friel's other classes and found the same thing when it came to counting breaths specifically in downward dog when it's supposed to be five breaths. Normally I'm out of air when the teacher is counting breaths, meaning, their inhales and exhales are always longer than mine. However, the breaths here, every time they're counted are actually quite short and fast. I would just barely get in three ujayi breaths in the downward dogs. All of that said, I love the straightforwardness of the classes and when Jonni-Lyn does the cleansing breath sequence in another class, it's very different. In fact, that's probably one of the best ones I've done.

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