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How Does The Energy In Your Body Teach You About Your Chronic Anxiety?

(7 Reviews)

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If you are serious about letting go of your chronic anxiety, one important step is to look inward. Among the many aspects that you can tune into is the activity in your nervous system, or the energy in your body. In this video, David teaches you how you can tune into that feeling within you no matter what you're doing, and learn to turn down the intensity of the activity within you, which feels out-of-control and overwhelming to so many of us. To watch the rest of this video series, check out David's free Anxiety: A Learning Series. To go deeper into your relationship with your anxiety, go to David's Let Go of Anxiety and Fear 21-Day Program.

January 5, 2022

Wow; I feel so incredibly validated. While starting the video, I found myself using my thumbs to massage my feet. And then you started talking about how important it is to pay attention to our feet! I've described that buzzing vibration as a bit of monkey-mind.

For the past year or so, I've found myself continuing to return to the entire plane that is my feet. It started out as a way to take care of my ankles (one was sprained a couple years ago) after dancing around my apartment.

Then I was sinking into my feet, walking around the hospital I work at, so that I could feel somewhat myself despite and because of the social anxiety that crept up when thinking about being around people.

Because of the power of grounding down, it now seems weird not to focus on my feet while standing in a grocery store line - or any line for that matter. More than any heart opener, your validation and intention, David, opened up my chest and heart space - so much more space and a light airy feeling. Thank you!!

January 5, 2022

Hi David, thank you so much. For the first time in a long time I do not feel so alone and scared. This practice helped me today. Looking forward to the following days as I continue to take care of myself through these videos.

December 17, 2021

Thank you for this reminder. It is amazing how many times one can re-learn such a simple practice. Looking forward to the next classes.

November 26, 2021

I definately relate to the high energy "hyper" state. The resources from DYWM which I use daily are fabulous for helping bring my energy down into a calmer state. Thanks for all that you and your team do :).

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