How Does The Energy In Your Body Teach You About Your Chronic Anxiety? Why Do We Call This Anxiety? Will I Be Anxious Forever Pranayama for Anxiety I
What Role Does the Nervous System Play with Chronic Anxiety? An Effective Daily Approach to Chronic Anxiety Anxiety: Why Doing Nothing Can Help

Members Only

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Duration & Commitment:
10 Day Program | 7-21 mins/day

Anxiety: A Learning Series with David Procyshyn

Beginner I
Fivestar Rating:
5 Ratings
This learning series with David is heavily influenced by his own anxiety, and the techniques that he found useful in dealing with it.
7-21 mins/day


  • None

What You'll Experience

This special series with David is a collection of ten videos exploring how to accept and manage your anxiety. The first video, a conversation between David and the DYWM videographer, Jeff, can be viewed now (see below).

For notifications about newly released anxiety content, special program offers and early access to content, join our anxiety mailing list. 

Sign Up For Anxiety: A Learning Series

To get more context on David's approach, check out his Introduction to the Learning Series, his article How Mindfulness Helped Me Let Go of My Chronic Anxiety and his 21-Day Let Go of Anxiety and Fear ProgramIf you would like to join an ongoing discussion on anxiety in our Forum, check out Learn How to Live with Anxiety


Scheduled Items

  • Session 1:

    An Open Dialogue: Accepting Anxiety
    21 min
    • Beginner
    • David Procyshyn
  • Session 2:

    How Does The Energy In Your Body Teach You About Your Chronic Anxiety?
    8 min
    • Beginner
    • David Procyshyn
  • Sessions 3:

    What Role Does the Nervous System Play with Chronic Anxiety?
    10 min
    • Beginner
    • David Procyshyn
  • Session 4:

    Why Do We Call This Anxiety?
    8 min
    • Beginner
    • David Procyshyn
  • Session 5:

    An Effective Daily Approach to Chronic Anxiety
    10 min
    • Beginner
    • David Procyshyn
  • Session 6:

    Will I Be Anxious Forever
    7 min
    • Beginner
    • David Procyshyn
  • Session 7:

    Anxiety: Why Doing Nothing Can Help
    9 min
    • Beginner
    • David Procyshyn
  • Session 8:

    Pranayama for Anxiety I
    8 min
    • Beginner
    • David Procyshyn
  • Session 9:

    Pranayama for Anxiety II
    10 min
    • Beginner I
    • David Procyshyn
  • Session 10:

    Pranayama for Anxiety III
    8 min
    • Beginner II
    • David Procyshyn



Nancy Bain
Nancy Bain
March 31, 2024

Very helpful. Wanted to pass on a phrase I learned in a hypnosis session for helping me with highway driving. " Your anxiety- watch it rise but also watch it fall. " Have found this very reassuring when I am out there, going through what feels like minutes but is actually probably couple seconds.

November 29, 2022

Hi David, I feel so grateful to have found this series and you. I've had chronic anxiety for as long as I can remember (I'm nearly 50). My way of "dealing with it" was always to numb it in various ways, and this ended up with me sinking into alcoholism for 10 years. I'm now 8 years sober and working on the anxiety underneath. It will be a life-long process, but the "feet thing"& grounding - oh my goodness, you've no idea (well, of course you do - actually) how much this is helping already. Along with breath work, meditation and yoga things are turning around more than I ever dreamed possible. I used to drink and behave a bit like a low-budget Richard Burton! Who'd have thought someone like me could change? I'm writing this review in the hope that anyone reading, who is struggling with anxiety, commits to giving this programme a go. Like you said in a previous video in this series, keep it simple and anything that works - go with it. Thank you is the main thing that I wanted to say. Thank you, Fran.

April 12, 2022

Am finding the 10-day anxiety program very helpful! Thank you, David! 🙏

November 30, 2021

I'm on day three of this series, and I can tell it is already helping me calm down. David does an excellent job of describing how anxiety feels, which is something I didn't really know how to describe before. This helps me understand what is happening in my body, and how to work to rewire my system. It will take work and consistency in thought and practice, but I know I'm worth it (along with my family) to improve my quality of life.

Members Only

Create a free member account to access this collection.
7-21 mins/day
10 Days