Elevate Day 9

This class can be done as a stand-alone class or as day 9 in Fiji's 14-day yoga challenge, Elevate. In this class, Fiji guides you through a series of arm balances including flying pigeon, firefly, and crane, helping you learn how to move into each pose with lightness and ease through step-by-step progressions.
Exactly what I needed today. How did you know?
I used triangle wedges to protect a difficult wrist, which was broken 2 years ago. The doctor said I would never be able to do pushups again. I can do the crow again with the wedges. They are terrific.
I’m thrilled I was able to do the first to lifts. The third will take more time. That’s okay stronger every day with your incredible instruction and guidance. Thanks Fiji
thank you, Fiji, for the well guided series allowing me to realize I had more strength than I knew.
Love the pace and clear instructions. Thank you