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Balancing Backbends

Intermediate II
(78 Reviews)

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Working on foot balances can be tough enough. When you combine it with backbends you get a tough class that leaves you feeling amazing. Add to that Fiji's beautiful style and natural skill, and you have yourself a yoga class you'll want to do again and again, especially since it's all packed into 22 minutes!


  • None


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Balance
  • Backbends
  • Morning


  • Vigorous Yoga


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
November 21, 2015

This class brought me to the moment, energized and calmed me at the same time.
Thank you Fiji, and DYWM, for sharing this beautiful class.

July 31, 2015

Just perfect for a quick movement break! Thank you!

June 2, 2015

I wish you could "Favorite" certain classes and put them in a special place. This is one of my favorites. This is a great class for the intermediate yogi, someone who is familiar with the basic movements and has been through enough classes to know the names of certain body parts. Fiji makes sure to walk you through each movement and stretch, slowly at first, then she does it again moving more quickly, allowing you to learn as you go. Even after doing this class many times I find more ways to open up, as she talks you through breathing techniques and tells you how to let go in each movement.
I love that she reminds you to breathe! That is something I believe we all will always need, no matter how long we've been practicing. :)
Thanks, Fiji!

Comment Replies

vintage liza
June 3, 2015

You should have the option to bookmark particular videos if you click on "my profile" (which is on the upper righthand corner of my screen). d;

David Procyshyn
July 31, 2015

Hi mollycycles.

Thanks for the message. You can actually favorite classes by bookmarking them in your profile. Check it out and let me know if you have anymore questions.

Take care,

DoYogaWithMe Founder

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