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Yoga Workouts for Men: Lower Body

Beginner II
(13 Reviews)
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Guy’s 'Yoga Workouts for Men' offer a powerful, clear and accessible approach for men to engage in the physical practices of yoga. This practice provides a great way to build mobility in your lower body, both strengthening the muscles of the hips and legs, and improving their range of motion.

This can either be done as a stand-alone class or as Day 5 of Total Body Flexibility And Health 14-Day Yoga Challenge For Men.

Yoga Workouts for Men: Lower Body Playlist (to be played with the class)

Click on the playlist below at the 2 minute mark of the video to sync it with the class.

Listen on SpotifyListen on Apple MusicListen on YouTube Music

Note: You will need a subscription for access to Apple Music, and for music to play ad-free on Spotify and YouTube Music. You will also need to adjust the volume to your preference.


  • Block


  • Balance
  • Flexibility
  • Hips
  • Legs and Feet
  • Lower Back
  • Morning
  • Strength


  • Hatha Yoga
  • Slow Flow
February 2, 2021

Not a man, but a senior woman. I enjoyed this class and would love to see a longer one doing similar poses. Always get a chuckle or two out of Guy's classes.

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