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Wonderful Wall Twists

Beginner II
(31 Reviews)
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This hatha yoga class works with the wall to help you better understand alignment within many well-known yoga poses, such as downward facing dog, revolved half moon and warrior two. Using the wall can be surprisingly transformative, and Rachel has a nice way of helping you experience it in your body as you move through a nicely-paced flow. The class ends with a few restorative poses at the wall and a well-deserved savasana.


  • Block


  • Twists


  • Hatha Yoga
March 20, 2023

Thank you. I had to take a break at the 13 minute mark but I did complete it and I am going to do it again next week!

Sam Frize
December 31, 2020

I looked at this practice a number of times and always choose another to do. Thankfully I decided to do it today. What an amazine closs Rachel. Highly recommended to challenge you at any stage of your practice. Thank you. Brilliant way to come out of 2020 and into 2021!

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June 18, 2018

So brilliant to have such strong alignment for the body! Will there be more of these classes? They are strong and essential and make my body feel fantastic! Namaste from Ireland.

Comment Replies

Rachel Scott
June 22, 2018

So happy to hear that you like this class and that it makes your body feel good! I also love wall classes - they can be so invigorating. You just can't cheat! They're like "tough love." :) Glad you like it.

May 9, 2018

This short alignment based class is brilliant, and difficult in many respects. Alignment is something I've noticed that can get lost in the "hurry" of flow classes. I would love love love to see a series of alignment based (with the wall and props) classes. They are absolutely essential for healthy asana work for me. Namaste from Ireland.

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