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Crista moves you through a powerful vinyasa yoga flow that builds in intensity and difficulty level, prepare your body for the wonderfully satisfying advanced pose, maksikanagasana (grasshopper or dragonfly pose in english). You will find that this class has fantastic hip openers, with lots of pigeons, as well as binds, and stretches for the hamstrings and quadriceps. Have fun with this energizing, creative flow!
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Thank you Crista, another great class with your beautiful energy and creative transitions <3
Thank you! I've been doing yoga for a couple of years, but this is my first 'Advanced' class and I'm so glad I tried. This arm balance is beyond my capability for now, but everything else was perfect. Great way to start my day (which will be working from home in front of my computer at my dining room table). This is exactly what I needed :)
Beautiful class that dives right in - great transitions and hip openers. Love Crista's gentle spirit. Thank you!