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Office Yoga for the Neck and Shoulders

Beginner I
(81 Reviews)

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This beginner yoga class is a perfect way to spend a short break in your work day, stretching the muscles that get so tight from sitting at your desk for hours. With the exception of the shoulder rotations at the very beginning, the entire class can be done seated at your desk.


  • Strap


  • Flexibility
  • Lower Back
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Sleep/Relaxation
  • Spine


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Yoga at Work
  • Yoga for Athletes
  • Yoga for Back Care
September 17, 2017

After sleeping on a very soft bed at a hotel (yes I know most people complain about hard beds, but this one was super soft), my neck and lower back were killing me. I was so sore. I did this hoping it would relieve some of that neck pain that I've had for a few days, and it did just that! This soft, relaxing sequence stretched out the areas I was having problems with and I feel much better! Great way to start my morning. Now on to a workshop with Fiji! :)

February 8, 2017

Calm (almost monotone) voice leads you through effective stretches for your neck (and shoulders). You can still get a decent stretch with out a strap as stated, but would probably be a little better if you used one. I did it without and thought it was fine. Not the most challenging routine I've done, but helped to release some tension in my neck from sitting at the computer and desk all day. Great for someone just getting introduced to yoga.

January 3, 2017

My goal this year is a healthier me through a vegan diet, daily yoga and meditation for the rest of my life. I have never participated in yoga and found this website because I want to do my yoga at home before and after meditation. So, this was my first ever Yoga exercise class and it was amazing! I could feel my tense muscles relaxing by these simple stretches. Thank you so much! I'm so glad I found doyogawithme.com!

Kristina Marie
July 7, 2016

I had a head and neck injury in 2009. I have been looking for a yoga beginner class to help stretch those muscles. I tried this one out today and loved it. I look forward to using this one going forward. Thank you! I suffer from tight muscles, migraines,and digestive issues. I'm praying that your classes will be the beginning to a new me. This is one more missing piece to my puzzle.
Warm regards,

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