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How Does The Energy In Your Body Teach You About Your Chronic Anxiety?

(7 Reviews)

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If you are serious about letting go of your chronic anxiety, one important step is to look inward. Among the many aspects that you can tune into is the activity in your nervous system, or the energy in your body. In this video, David teaches you how you can tune into that feeling within you no matter what you're doing, and learn to turn down the intensity of the activity within you, which feels out-of-control and overwhelming to so many of us. To watch the rest of this video series, check out David's free Anxiety: A Learning Series. To go deeper into your relationship with your anxiety, go to David's Let Go of Anxiety and Fear 21-Day Program.

David Procyshyn
July 5, 2023

Thank you so much, everyone, for the feedback on this video. Each one of your comments made me feel so good about how this video helped you. So rewarding!

[email protected]
January 17, 2023

Thank you so much, David, for being there. Your advice to keep it simple and stay grounded in our feet, on the earth, is so very true, strong and helpful.

I had been doing this unconsciously and will now bring it to a place of mindfulness and practice more often.

October 7, 2022

Thank you for this. I have ADHD on top of anxiety and this was eye-opening for me.

September 13, 2022

The way you describe anxious energy as almost a buzzing, vibrating energy is the best description I have ever heard of how I feel my anxiety when I stop to feel it in my body. I love this practice to move it into my feet.

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