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The Desk Antidote: A Quick Standing Routine for Workers

Beginner II
(13 Reviews)
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Rachel guides you through a quick class designed to give your body some mid-day relief from your office work. All you need is a place to stand and a little space to stretch out.


  • None


  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Stress/Anxiety


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Yoga at Work
February 15, 2021

Thank you, this was just what I needed! I'm 6 months pregnant and was feeling so squished and awful from sitting in a desk chair all day. The clock hit 2pm and I just couldn't take it anymore... I tried pacing the office floor a few times but that didn't help. This quick little stretch and wake-up was perfect though. (I even risked it in a dress and managed not to get busted by any co-workers!)

September 25, 2020

Great quick stretching routine! I found it to be a relaxing change from sitting. Thank you for preparing this.

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