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Calm in the Chaos Livestream with Fiji McAlpine - Nov 7 @9am PST

Beginner I
(7 Reviews)

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This interactive livestream took place on Saturday, Nov 7th and begins with Jeff and Fiji giving an in-depth break down of each day of the program. At around 35 minutes, they begin taking questions from students.

Description: This is Day 7 of Fiji's Calm in the Chaos program and this very special program will culminate in a livestream with Jeff and Fiji featuring a live Q&A.

November 8, 2020

Despite my best efforts, I was unable to join the livestream, so I'm watching/listening to it while making breakfast now. I just wanted to say that every episode, to me, has felt like a love letter from Fiji (and Jeff!) to herself, to us, to yoga, to the world. And now, listening to how personal it really was for both of them, I just wanted to let you know, on behalf of all of us, we feel the love, the sincerity, the connection, the heart of it all. Thank you...

Tom Hayden
November 7, 2020

Greetings and blessings from Issaquah, WA, USA! Fiji - Can you please tell us more about your personal practices (even beyond yoga)? So grateful for your awesome classes!

November 7, 2020

The series has so much to give that I will revisit and explore again and again - staying present and being connected is so challenging when your mind is in chaos. This series guides you through so many elements, connecting your mind and body that I'm already looking forward to revisiting the series and feeling the shifts in myself, and reconnecting with my inner voice and feelings.
Its lovely to hear how the series came together.
Thank you
Fiji - what did developing and writing the series teach you, and how do you find inspiration or the direction for your classes/yoga (somehow your classes give me something that I didn't even realise I needed at that time and each practice connects me further with my inner voice)?

November 7, 2020

I admit that I was intrigued that you started the series with meditation. But after that first practice, I totally understood the decision. I would love to participate in a similar mediation with you LIVE alongside the DYWM community around the world. Talk about connection!

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