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Workshopping Wheel Pose

Intermediate II
(22 Reviews)

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This is a brand new DYWM class format. Fiji has designed this video with a peak pose in mind (Wheel Pose, or Urdhva Dhanurasana), and has built the class in 3 sections, with the purpose of preparing your body to move into wheel safely and effectively. The three sections are: 1) Warming up to wheel pose, 2) Moving into wheel pose and 3) Deepening wheel pose, and you can stop with a short Savasana after 1 or 2 and take weeks or months to move onto part 3, when your body is ready. Even though we call this a workshop, it is still mostly a flow, and typical to Fiji, it is challenging. Give us feedback below. If you like this format, we'll do more like this in the future.


  • None


  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Backbends


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
January 18, 2018

Holy moly! I've been doing wheel pose for a while now, but had never thought to try walking in it, what a challenge! I especially like the reminders to keep the toes turned in to conserve energy in the legs. I love back-bending and would love to see more videos dedicated to it. Thank-you, Fiji!

May 16, 2017

Look at me, Ma!! I'm in Wheel!!!


Slowly slowly getting there with all these great instructions but also, this is a great flow just to do for itself.

January 18, 2017

I really liked this. I think it was a great idea to do to the video in different sections but keep them all together for people to use them for progression. The time went really quickly and I need to work more for to hold the final poses for the full length but I really enjoyed all of it.

Maybe section markers could be shown on the time bar if people want to skip the middle bit but I personally enjoyed working throug the whole thing.

Thanks Fiji!


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