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Meditation: Loving-Kindness

Beginner I
(21 Reviews)
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In this guided meditation, Guy leads you through the use of loving-kindness or “metta” phrases to help you build a sense of inner peace and clear intention. This is a great way to either start or end your day, allowing your loving-kindness practice to sink deeply and infuse your feelings, thoughts and actions. Note: You may want a bolster, block, chair or cushion to sit on.


  • Bolster


  • Morning
  • Stress/Anxiety


  • Guided Meditation
  • Yoga for Seniors
Joy Michelle
June 16, 2020

This is a lovely guided meditation practice. Thank you Guy for sharing your loving kindness. Namaste.

June 11, 2020

Trying to sit everyday (not always successful)... thank you for the guidance.

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