I Heart Backbends - Full Class

Crista leads you through a power yoga class that will release your quads and hip-flexors, strengthen your core and shoulders and carry you into some deep backbends. We created a slightly shorter version of this class a few weeks ago so, if you liked that, you'll love this extended version that takes you just a little bit deeper!
This class flies by! Thank you for a healing, motivational class.
I don't know why I don't do this practice more often, because it is exquisite! I'm always looking for classes with good quad stretches and this definitely delivers. That arm balance is one I need to keep practicing, but I was actually able to grab my feet in king pigeon which made me feel very special. Namaste!
Thank you Crista for another beautiful class. You make me do what I thought impossible.
Great class. Difficult at times but very accessible and very enjoyable! Thanks.