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A Full Body Vinyasa Flow

Intermediate II
(197 Reviews)

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If you are looking for a satisfying and challenging intermediate vinyasa-style class that addresses the whole body, give this one a try. Fiji moves you smoothly through poses that open the body quickly, strengthening keys areas, while keeping your attention with creative transitions and wonderful descriptions. You'll have fun with this one! The music playlist is provided by Yogitunes.


  • None


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Whole Body
  • Twists
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Arms/Hands


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
March 9, 2024

Challenging! Big hip moves, really nice length though for getting out of the head. Thank you your cues are always so thoughful.

March 29, 2022

This was a lovely class. From the very first shape, I had to find different ways to make the poses with my body. Although I know a lot of ways to modify yoga classes to fit on my body, it would be awesome to see some intermediate II, III, and advanced classes on big bodies. I love Helen's classes. Idea: a reboot of popular classes "hard classes" on bigger bodies with the same instructors OR guest instructors. (Jessamyn Stanely, I am looking at you). Thank you, great class.

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