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Float On Your Hands

Intermediate II
(76 Reviews)
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This short class teaches you to prepare for, and move into, an arm balance in a way that feels light and stable. Tracey begins with a slow, strong flow, building shoulder strength and finishing with crow pose and a well-deserved sivasana.


  • None


  • Arms/Hands
  • Balance
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Strength
  • Vigorous/Energy


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
August 9, 2018

This was such a good video! I watched it all the way through before I tried it, and Tracey moves into crow pose so quickly and without hesitation, I actually missed it the first time. When I went through and did the lesson, I found the build-up to the pose so natural, that the next thing I knew, I was in crow pose for the first time without fear! Thank you, Tracey, for a quick, amazing class.

Comment Replies

September 18, 2023

Second this! Able to do crow pose for the first time. Only for a few seconds, but I will take it! Now I know I can do it. :-)

April 11, 2018

This was a perfect practice after an intense body combat cardio workout. I was already warm and supple so this made me feel long strong and totally blissed out!
Thank you Tracey, I love your classes.

Pam Palmer
September 21, 2017

Thank you Stacey for bringing me back to me. Yoga is a lifelong journey.

June 15, 2017

Love your class Tracey! Thank you very much!!!

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