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Absolute Beginner Series: Warrior I

Beginner I
(4 Reviews)
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This class explores Warrior I pose, a posture that both strengthens and stretches the legs and back line of the body. This class would be great when paired with Absolute Beginner Series: Finding Your Feet and/or Absolute Beginner Series: Salute the Sun.


  • Block


  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Plus Size Yoga
April 2, 2020

This was challenging in a good way! I have a lot of work to put in to increase my flexibility and balance, but I don't feel bad about it, you have truly given me a new perspective. So today, I thanked my body instead for what I CAN do and for getting me through the video! Looking fwd to doing this one again!

Comment Replies

Helen Camisa
April 27, 2020

Amazing!! The physical will come in time, but the big thing is being kind internally. I'm so happy that you are finding that. It will bring you so much joy in life and in your practice. WIN! :)

July 1, 2019

My first morning finding you and Im so happy to have. You have such a gentle style with a smooth flow that seems to take the 'joltiness' out of being a beginner. Im looking forward to learning more with you and want to say thank you, for making it easy.

Comment Replies

Helen Camisa
July 3, 2019

I'm so glad you found me too! I still feel that joltiness in my own practice from time to time, but there are definitely ways to make it feel smoother and more accessible and I'm so glad you are feeling this here. I hope that you enjoy my other classes and feel free to pop a message if any questions come up. Thank you for taking the time to comment and enjoy your yoga! :)

March 24, 2019

Helen I hope you never go away, you are such a excellent teacher. Not only do I learn the pose but you teach in a way that I don't have to constantly watch you to know what you are doing but I also don't have to blast the volume because you want to speak "so spiritually". Your method is clear and straight forward, paced to the beginner, and non-judgmental. I love it. More, more, more.

Comment Replies

Helen Camisa
April 27, 2019

Your comment was so lovely, it made me laugh out loud. Thank you so much! I'm so glad that my style resonates with you and that you feel encouraged to keep going. Enjoy the rest of my videos, and feel free to reach out if any questions come up. Have fun! :)

March 13, 2019

Lovely class, thank you Helen! I enjoyed the slower pace allowing me time to concentrate on getting my posture correct. Looking forward to working through your other videos.

Comment Replies

Helen Camisa
April 27, 2019

You are very welcome! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the class. Yes, a slower pace can really change your experience in a class. As much as I love a nice flow, nothing beats a nice slow and steady practice for me so that I can listen in to what my body needs (something I did not do for a very long time). Once you feel confident in your posture work, it will come with more ease so that if you chose to explore some of those flowing classes, you will move safely through. I'm excited to hear how it's going for you! :)

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