Ashtanga Yoga Full Primary Series
This is the ashtanga yoga full primary series in its traditional form, taught and counted by Jeff Lichty. If you have never seen or done the full primary series, you may want to watch this video in its entirety first. This is an advanced class that pushes even the advanced yoga student. It moves quickly and demands great strength, flexibility, focus and a knowledge of the sanskrit names. It would also help to do this class in full with someone in person before following this video.
Very good refresher of the sequence if like me you have left ashtanga for a bit and want to get back to your first yogi-love. Thank you!
I have done ashtanga for a while, but with tight hips, it sure makes (all) yoga challenging. This is a great class and I love the counting as it assures you keep on track. Your calming voice helps make the class that much more enjoyable. Glad this was added to the site.
This is a terrific class for a full body workout.
Great class, love it!