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Absolute Beginner Series: Finding Your Comfortable Seat

Beginner I
(22 Reviews)
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This class is all about finding a way to sit that works for your individual body. Once you find a seat that works for you, we will spend a few minutes grounding ourselves with yogic (ujjayi) breathing.This class can be done as a stand-alone session for relaxation and grounding, or you can follow it with the Absolute Beginner Series: Meditation for Body Connection.


  • Block
  • Bolster
  • Blankets


  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Plus Size Yoga
January 21, 2021

Thank you! I am a runner with some foot pain and I need a gentle beginning to yoga practice. This was great!

[email protected]
April 27, 2020

Hi Thank you for these classes. I have very bad knees surgery needed soon and am not sure what poses I should avoid. Is there a video for people with bad knees?

Comment Replies

Helen Camisa
April 27, 2020

Hello There! I would definitely recommend restorative yoga for deep relaxation and healing. One of the videos I have on here is a gentle seated practice (https://www.doyogawithme.com/content/gentle-seated-practice) and that might also be one you want to give a try. Do your best to listen to your body and avoid anything that causes you pain. I hope this helps. Take good care, and good luck with your surgery!

May 30, 2019

Thanks so much for this! Seems like it's harder than it should be to find classes aimed at folks who are "absolute beginners" AND need some positioning mods.

I think I've got most of it figured out (using rolled-up towels and stuff since I don't have a bolster or blocks yet). I'm really surprised that sitting cross-legged ended up being the most comfortable for me overall. One thing I noticed is that my ankles do not like the cross-legged position at all. My left ankle in particular gets very sore very fast. (It is under my right leg, so I know bearing that weight is part of the problem, but I haven't worked out how to avoid that yet.) Anything I can do or use to ease the pressure / weight / pain on my ankles? Should I just start out in a chair and go from there? Or is this just part of positioning / moving my body in new ways and it'll get better with practice?

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Helen Camisa
June 1, 2019

Thank you for this! I'm so glad to hear that you are exploring your options and listening to your body. If you are enjoying playing with sitting cross legged, then you could try one leg in front of the other so that nothing is stacked on the ankle. Alternatively, try just having the one leg bent in the cross legged position and the other extended out to the side. If all else fails, yes definitely start on a chair. This is a great way to get started. It's one thing to feel uncomfortable with new shapes, but when you say that you are sore then I suggest adjusting the posture. You don't want to cause pain. It will all get better with practice, but it's important to be soft with yourself and just allow your body to do it's thing. You've got the rest of your life to find a comfortable seat, so no rush. :)

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