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Prenatal Yoga for the Lower Back and Sciatica: Spinal Health

Beginner I
(20 Reviews)
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This class is a part of a 4-part series designed to help pregnant women relieve the pain and discomfort associated with the lower back and sciatica. In this class, Sarah-Jane helps you release the muscles around the spine, which can alone cause the pain you might feel if you suffer from low back pain or sciatica. Sarah-Jane's gentle approach is easy to follow with clear instructions and a warm presence. The entire program, Prenatal Yoga for the Lower Back and Sciatica, can be found on our Yoga Programs page.


  • None


  • Flexibility
  • Lower Back
  • Spine
  • Twists


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga
May 25, 2023

This class felt like a gift. Thank you so much! I am 31 weeks along with my fifth child, and I have been pushing myself very hard for the last couple of months with sports (kettlebell training, climbing, intermediate yoga classes), with big steps at work, with taking care of my older kids mostly alone - this felt like the first time I allowed myself to slow down, and it felt so nourishing and gentle.

Gilly Vanilly
June 6, 2019

I'm not pregnant but suffering with sciatica and thought this class would be good for me. After the first five minutes I realised it was not possible for anyone suffering as the moves were far too painful.

jenna audrey
May 8, 2019

This was my first class with Sarah Jane and I loved it! I typically do intermediate classes, but I'm 31 weeks pregnant and this was PERFECT! Just challenging enough that I wasn't bored out of my mind (as I can find with many prenatal yoga classes out there) and the back twist stretch, along with the ham string and IT band stretch were heaven! Thank you thank you Sarah. I feel so much better. I will definitely be returning to this class throughout the remained of my pregnancy . . . and post pregnancy for that matter. Loved it!

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