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A tight piriformis muscle can lead to tension and pain in the legs, hips and lower back, so releasing this key muscle can provide immense relief, as well as a wonderful feeling of improved range of motion. The piriformis is a muscle that externally rotates the leg. Along with it, you will be stretching the remaining external hip rotators, low back rotators and gluteus maximus.
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David, this practice gave me so much relief today! Thank you! My hip flexor, butt, and lower left back was so much better after.
This is useless if the leg cannot stay straight. Like if you just massage your butt with an Acu-hump massager without stretching, progress is also difficult.
Awesome stretch. Thx
This was totally inaccessible to me. I can't come close to straightening a leg up toward the ceiling. I tried with straight leg 30 degrees off the floor (about as far as I can go without bending the knee), and I tried bending my knee. Either way, the only stretch I could get was through my calf and hamstring. What do you suggest for those of us who don't have the flexibility of a yoga teacher?