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Yoga for Kids 5 to 12: Wake Up!

Beginner I
(6 Reviews)
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Help your kids wake up and start the day right with David's fun, playful and energetic morning yoga class for kids and families. He begins with a short guided meditation, then moves you through a sequence of creative poses, then finishes with a calming relaxation. Although this class is called 'Wake Up!', it can be done anytime of the day.


  • None


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Core Strength
  • Balance
  • Legs and Feet
  • Morning


  • Yoga for Kids
December 9, 2020

LOL - I don't even have kids, but I saw Rbreid's comment and thought I would try the class out because I really enjoy your instructing style, David, and many of your videos are shorter. :-)

David Procyshyn
December 9, 2020

That's great that you're both doing this class without your kids! Adults can play too! :-)

December 7, 2020

I would love to have an adult class with David using this imagery. I had to make some changes (old knees don't like 'frog'), but while I was doing my own thing I was enjoying the imagery, different than traditional 'serious' imagery used in adult classes.

May 29, 2020

Excellent class David. Not sure if this is allowed, but I did this as my morning practice without my boys who were still asleep :) Great fun, and I look forward to trying this out with the whole family and checking out the other classes in the series. I particularly loved the relaxation visualisation which was just what i needed after a heavy week of work, childcare and daily yoga classes on Facebook Live!.

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