
Latest User Comments

October 23, 2018

One m¡of my favorites classes! I`ve probably done it like 30 times and every time I come back to it I feel grateful! Amazing work out, for the mind and body! Love Tracey`s clases!

October 23, 2018

Namaste! Loved the little wooden 'Joy' in the end - it was like a personal note from Tracey and revealed something very endearing about her personality.

October 22, 2018

This was a perfect practice for letting go. I have a very yang practice and needed to sink deep into my hips and back and let go of some stuck emotions that I had felt building up. In child's pose, everything flooded out - my poor yoga mat was soaked with tears but it felt so good and so necessary to just let go.
Thank you so much - your lovely healing voice and energy really helped me feel nurtured, which is what I needed in order to release.


Sammie Nicolaou
Sammie Nicolaou
October 22, 2018

I have been feeling very tight in my shoulders and upper back for a long while now and this class gave me a understanding of some of the other emotional reasons as to why this tightness had occurred. Thank Fiji for your amazing classes and wise, helpful words always. A excellent class and I have a lot of mental homework now. Big love

October 22, 2018

Namaste and thank you Fiji,
Yes it makes total sense now you explain it to me. I've learned a lot from you over the years, and having not long completed my yoga TT in India, I'm finding myself thinking more- or overthinking probably! - about structure and sequencing, which is why I asked you. I like your way of breaking poses down ....yes, it's more helpful not to overthink whether one pose is more challenging than another, as that's generally subjective anyway!
Thanks again for your response.

October 21, 2018

I can feel my body getting stronger practicing with Fiji everyday!! I was able to flow along, my body generated heat, and it was challenging. Pushing to the edge, as Fiji says!! Great words of encouragement throughout the class. Thanks Fiji for another great morning of yoga! Namaste <3. :-)

October 21, 2018

I can feel my body getting stronger practicing with Fiji everyday!! I was able to flow along, my body generated heat, and it was challenging. Pushing to the edge, as Fiji says!! Great words of encouragement throughout the class. Thanks Fiji for another great morning of yoga! Namaste <3. :-)

Yoga soul
Yoga soul
October 21, 2018

It’s hard to find a practice for fibroids and thought I’d try a pre-natal class. It doesn’t seem to have aggravated them so will try again.

It would be wonderful if someone would put together a class for women dealing with fibroids.

October 21, 2018

I wasn't particularly excited about this class, but what a surprise! I had several surgeries on my left forearm in my 20s and there is still some atrophy and minor limits to my mobility. This class seemed to be exactly the physical therapy I should have had years ago. Thanks!

October 20, 2018

I had the most amazing ephiny while doing this class. I’ve been doing a lot of self care work as of late and realized that even while doing it that I’ve been playing so small and undeserving. Thank you for being a messenger and creating a class that helps one feel big and expansive. Even the meditation I did afterward felt bigger and gracious than it has in a long time.