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Prenatal Yoga for the Lower Back and Sciatica: Core

Beginner I
(8 Reviews)
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An important part of providing relief for lower back and sciatica pain is learning how to engage the core muscles. In this short class, Sarah-Jane teaches you how to find core stability and gets you to strengthen the most important muscles to protect your lower back and provide sciatica relief. The entire program, Prenatal Yoga for the Lower Back and Sciatica, can be found on our Yoga Programs page.


  • None


  • Core Strength
  • Hips
  • Sleep/Relaxation
  • Spine


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga
August 15, 2020

Thank you for the session my back and hips were tight
Now for some much needed rest

July 12, 2017

Dear Sarah,
i've just followed your lovely sequence (not pregnant but a prenatal yoga teacher myself ;) i really enjoyed something different from my own practice, thank you!
just one question:
is it me..or there's no side opening on the other leg (right leg extended) ?
or is there a reason to do it only on one side?
Many thanks in advance

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
July 13, 2017

Hi there. Sarah-Jane and I had a look at it and you're right, she didn't do gate pose on both sides. To fix it, I'm going to remove gate from the first side until we can re-film it and insert it again in the future.
Thanks for pointing that out.

Comment Replies

March 2, 2021

I noticed the same thing! It’s a shame because otherwise this is a nice practice! I just added second gate pose at the end.

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