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Postnatal Yoga for Core Strength

Beginner I
(28 Reviews)
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Help re-establish your post-baby core strength with doula and yoga instructor, Sarah-Jane Steele. This class is short enough to fit into the busy life of a new mom and packed with great exercises to bring back the strength and stability around the belly, hips and pelvic floor.


  • Block


  • Core Strength
  • Lower Back
  • Strength


  • Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga
July 31, 2023

Such a great way to reconnect to my core and feel it activate.

[email protected]
August 28, 2018

This was wonderful. I'm struggling to know what exercise to do postpartum and love what I've found here. Would love it if there were more!

December 1, 2017

I have just started getting back into yoga because I was trying to be so careful of healing in my core. I would love a series of post-natal videos to recover my strength while still being mindful of lingering relaxin. Thank you so much for this, please do send more!

Mia Namaste
July 5, 2016

Is this suitable for post-partum moms that have a separation of the ab muscles(diastasis recti)? My gap is not wide, but is a bit deep.

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September 9, 2017

I have about a 2-3 finger separation after my second pregnancy (4months post partum) and this workout feels great to me. Hope that helps!

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Hello! i am sorry it took so long for me to spot this comment. In short, my understanding from my training and from speaking with Physios is that a workout of this nature is safe- but- you want to be aware of any "doming" or "tenting" of your abdomen as you begin the action of each core exercise- namely on your out breaths. Tenting or doming is when you see that your core muscles, tummy, however you want to think of it are clearly "popping" up and out- it's normal for excess adipose tissue to be present postpartum but if you see your ab muscles out pouching then you may be taking it just a little too far. So, feel your abs moving in,up and back as you blow out- do this before you move deeper into the ab work and you would be safe :) hope this helps and your diastasis is feeling a bit more together. As I am sure you know, they're quite normal from pregnancy- In my pregnancies I had/have them....but with slow controlled movements and a trip to a physio if that's available to you videos like these and others are great for helping get your abs back and firing healthfully.

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