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Gentle Yoga for Pain Care

Beginner I
(9 Reviews)
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In this class, Tianne teaches you specific pain care techniques to help reduce pain, increase mobility and stimulate healing. The principles learnt may be applied to any class as well as movement off the mat and throughout our day. This wonderful practice is suitable for all levels and ends with a short body scan in shavasana.


  • Bolster
  • Blankets


  • Whole Body
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Sleep/Relaxation
  • Morning
  • Lower Back


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
December 2, 2020

Thank you for this beautiful practice. I have injured my low back and am thrilled to have happened upon this class.Tianne's gentle voice was just perfect for her smooth and restful class. It was wonderful to have Judy showing the multiple ways to get into position without pain or discomfort. I would recommend this class to everyone, not just those experiencing pain. Thank you!

November 7, 2020

thank you for this very gentle and soothing class

May 21, 2020

Thank you for this wonderful and gentle class. Just what i needed in a time when i have sustained an injury. Beautiful.

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