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A Stimulating Breath (Pranayama) Practice

Beginner I
(12 Reviews)

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David takes you through a stimulating pranayama yoga practice, blending rhythmic breathing, the skull cleanser, alternate nostril breathing and retentions. This video is part of a breath-training series - the video before it is A Calming Breath Practice and there is no video following this one.

September 11, 2023

Good variety to help me feel the energy flowing. There is no alternate nostril breathing that is mentioned in the description, but I didn't miss it.

August 19, 2023

Thank you for this - I liked trying different types of breathing exercises within a practice.

Tam Thanh Luong
May 31, 2022

Thank you Mr. David Procyshyn. I am a busy mother and I work so hard everyday. So I try to do yoga every morning, your videos are useful for me a lots. Namaste __()__

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