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Alyssa Jean explores standing poses with the kids with play and song. In forward fold (chandrasana) she sings ‘Oh Mister Sun’, in triangle pose (trikonasana) she sings ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ and in warrior 2 (virabhadrasana b) and side angle pose (utthita parsvakonasana) she sings ‘I’m A Little Tea Pot’.
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My 2 year old loves these videos! Also the time length is good for her attention span lol. Thank you!
I did all the short toddler videos with my almost 4-year old niece over the weekend and we loved the songs with the poses. How creative and so appropriate for little kids!
This is brilliant, only just discovered these now- but am so keen to do these with my almost 3-year old son. He is in bed now, but loves doing yoga with me just "joining in" in some of the simpler adult classes. Thanks!
This is AWESOME, thank you!! (My toddler son just said, "that was super cool!") I love how now my son and I can now practice yoga together, whereas before he has joined me for a couple of minutes then ran off to something else. Incorporating the singing into the poses is so fun and the length of the classes is perfect.
I am a loyal Do Yoga With Me fan and adding classes like these onto the site just makes it better and better!! Thanks!!!