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An Effective Daily Approach to Chronic Anxiety

(13 Reviews)
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We will never be able to let go of anxiety's grip if we can't understand the role we play to keep it there and empower it. It may contradict everything you believe about the anxiety and panic that you feel, but every single thought you have is affecting it. How can we take a look at the way we live our lives on a daily basis, with the intention to understand how we reinforce the anxiety and, in turn, how we can let it go. To watch the rest of this video series, check out David's free Anxiety: A Learning Series. To go deeper into your relationship with your anxiety, go to David's Let Go of Anxiety and Fear 21-Day Program.

August 27, 2024

This video was beneficial and resonated with me. Thank you for an everyday tool to help those struggling with this.

August 7, 2024

WOW!! this was incredibly helpful. Thank you for sharing.

September 7, 2023

If I can manage to stick to this it will be a great help

January 29, 2023

"Why would you want to hate yourself?" These feelings are a part of me, they are not everything.

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