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Core Activation Part II: The Transversus Abdominis

(19 Reviews)

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Many experts consider the transversus abdominis to be the most important and most effective muscle for providing support for the lower back. It wraps around the waste and cinches in like a girdle, applying pressure as it squeezes, encouraging the spine to bend in a healthy way.

September 7, 2018

These core videos are amazing. I have been mystified in pilates and exremely frustrated. Now I have a base to build upon. I just wasn’t understanding my teacher saying pull the b line in, and therefore have been struggling in class. Thank you and I plan to practice with these tutorials in an effort to build my yoga and pilates to a most safe practice. You are the best!

March 9, 2016

When you say the core should be activated at 50%, is that at anytime of doing core exercises and practicing yoga? I've heard many times in classes where we are told to push as hard as possible.

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